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Best Wishes for Christmas

To all our patients and their parents, we wish you a Merry Christmas. As you know, our doctors and staff have a special affinity for working with children. We count it a great privilege to work with your children, especially during Christmas time. There is no better way to see Christmas than through the eyes of a child. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to be a small part of your children’s lives. Think of it as your special gift to us.

Tips for Dental Care During Christmas

Christmas time is a season of giving and sharing, singing and joy, and, unfortunately for children’s teeth, sugary treats galore. It’s a time when parents are not so strict about what their children eat. We aren’t suggesting that parents deny their children these special treats at Christmas. But we do want to give parents a reminder that they need to pay a little more attention to dental hygiene during this time.

Pediatric Dentist in 37205Here are three tips for Christmas:

  • Step up the brushing routine. We hope your child’s normal tooth brushing routine is two times a day, for two minutes. If not, then, at a minimum, adopt this routine. If your child is already brushing twice a day, add at least one more brushing, especially after a sugary treat.
  • Eat some teeth-healthy snacks too. In addition to the cookies and candy, follow Rudolph’s example and eat some carrots.
  • Drink water. Encourage drinking water instead of sodas, sports drinks and juices with lots of sugar. Offer water after sugary snacks to help rinse the sugar from the teeth.

Merry Christmas to All and Happy New Year