How An Early Pediatric Dental Appointment Can Help Fight Cavities
If your child has only one tooth, it’s not too early to take your child to a pediatric dentist. A recent study showed that even the youngest kids are at risk for developing cavities. That’s why an early pediatric dental appointment can help your child’s oral health. Your dentist at Adams Seaton Pediatric Dentistry looks forward to seeing your child when the first teeth erupt.
What Causes Tooth Decay
A cavity is actually a symptom of an infectious disease called “caries. Decay results from an active infection that thrives when bacteria, acid, and a food source are present in the mouth. Saliva is a natural buffer, and a balanced pH can combat tooth decay. But when the pH gets too low, caries can flourish. Things that lower pH in the mouth include acidic food and drink, mouth breathing, and certain medications.
Early Childhood Caries – ECC
The ADA (American Dental Association) recognizes ECC as a significant public health problem in selected populations and in the general population. So, it advises that a child’s first visit to the dentist should occur within six months of the first tooth.
To further discourage ECC, the ADA points out that Infants and young children should eat a balanced diet. They should not be allowed unrestricted, at-will consumption of liquids, beverages and foods containing fermentable carbohydrates. These include juice drinks, soft drinks, milk, and starches).
Additional advice from the ADA includes:
- Be sure infants finish their bedtime and naptime bottles before going to bed.
- Avoid “at-will” nocturnal breastfeeding.
- Encourage children to drink from a cup by their first birthday.
- Discourage at will, frequent use of a training cup.
Make Your Child’s Early Pediatric Dental Appointment
To make your infant’s first appointment, contact Adams and Seaton Pediatric Dentistry. And we will be happy to discuss more helpful tips about how to avoid cavities during your appointment.